Convenient Location
935 Fairystone Park Hwy
Business Hours
Monday - Friday: 8AM - 6PM
Give us a Call
(276) 622-3636


Common reasons for Speech-Language Therapy:
   Difficulty expressing or speaking
Difficulty understanding speech
Difficulty with memory, orientation, or problem solving
Slurred or imprecise speech
Fluency disorders
Voice disorders
Swallowing disorders
Aspiration pneumonia


Common Associated Diagnoses:
Parkinson’s Disease
Multiple Sclerosis
Traumatic Brain Injury


VitalStim Therapy:
VitalStim is one of the therapy techniques offered at BPT. This treatment modality uses small electrical currents to stimulate the muscles used for swallowing.  The goal of this therapy is to retrain muscles that are vital for swallowing and increase a patient’s ability to swallow safely.

The BPT Speech Therapy Experience

Your Evaluation

Your physician ordered, personal Speech Therapy program begins with a comprehensive evaluation. This will assess your current limitations from illness, surgery or disability as they relate to your ability to effectively communicate wants, needs, and thoughts or swallow safely.  Our experienced team of Speech-Language Pathologists are specially trained to evaluate and treat issues with communication and swallowing. The Speech Pathologist will perform comprehensive assessments to gain a full picture of your ability to communicate effectively.  Your therapist will work closely with you and your physician in developing a personalized Plan of Care that will outline areas that will be addressed in order for you to meet your goals.

Your Treatment

Speech therapy covers a wide-range of issues related to communication and swallowing. After your evaluation by our speech therapist, an individualized treatment plan will be developed to address your personal needs.  For example, the therapist may work with a patient with slurred speech due to stroke or neurological disease on improving speech clarity.  Patients with language issues such as difficulty finding words or forming coherent statements will learn ways to improve their receptive and expressive language skills.  Patients that have cognitive deficits may work on improving their short-term memory, organization, and planning skills.  Patients experiencing swallowing disorders may focus on learning strategies to maximize safety with preferred foods as well as increasing muscle strength and coordination. Speech therapy is individualized and may include more than one issue.  The ultimate goal of the speech pathologist is to meet the individual needs of each patient to make the biggest impact in their ability to communicate effectively and swallow safely.

The Facility

BPT is located in Stanleytown, VA and encompasses 8,000 square feet of treatment space. There are separate entrances for our adult clinic, BPT and our attached pediatric clinic, BPTKidz. There are two large gyms, two waiting rooms, private treatment rooms and a pool for aquatic therapy. Our clinic has been designed with the patient in mind first. You will find a family environment with Christian values and a team that is ready to help you in your time of need. Our clinic has passed a rigorous Certification Process and is certified as an Outpatient Rehab Facility. If you need Speech Therapy services we would be honored to serve you.